Contents | Previous: 6. Do you think (a) moderate lacing is injurious; | Up: Factual Inquiry into Tight Corset Wearing | Next: 8. Do you know of any schools at which tight-lacing
You are here: Contents > Stories > Waist measurements > Factual Inquiry into Tight Corset Wearing (1890s) > 7. What in your opinion are the essentials of a good corset?
7. What in your opinion are the essentials of a good corset?
Corsetière A: ''Plenty of room in bust to allow the bosom to expand, especially when leaning or bending forward, and when sitting to be high and tight under the arms, shoulder blades to be well kept in, to slope well and gradually in to the waist, and to be long over both hips and abdomen.''
Corsetière B: ''Good materials of every kind; a good cut; giving the figure firm support without unduly compressing any vital part; plenty of room for the full and proper development of the bust.''

Contents | Previous: 6. Do you think (a) moderate lacing is injurious; | Up: Factual Inquiry into Tight Corset Wearing | Next: 8. Do you know of any schools at which tight-lacing
You are here: Contents > Stories > Waist measurements > Factual Inquiry into Tight Corset Wearing (1890s) > 7. What in your opinion are the essentials of a good corset?