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On this page we'll collect frequently asked questions and answers of our experts. The list will be continually updated. In questions which are of importance to couples, words that are printed in capital letters refer to the partner of the person who asks the question. The translation from German to English was done by Sylphide.- Is corset wearing popular in Germany?
- Was it hard to find a corsetier?
- How do people react when they get to know that you wear corsets?
- How did you first get interested in corsets?
- Do you lace the corset yourself or does someone else for you?
- When do you remove the corset and at what occasions?
- What kind of clothes do you wear? How do you dress?
- Do you enjoy wearing corsets in the public?
- How can I get HER to like wearing corsets?
- How can I arrange for HIM to like corsets on me (and to buy me some)?
- In our days the corset has a bad reputation in the public. What are the reasons for this and why do many people think that corset-wearers are 'abnormal'? What can we do to improve the corset-image?

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