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My New Corset
Some months ago I received a new corset. I had ordered it several weeks before, but there were some delivery problems, so that it could only be finished with a delay. It's a white satin one with a minimum waistline of about 16-17 inches. I'm just now in the process of getting used to it and so far I like the new corset very much. There's a lacing flap added which makes it more comfortable to wear. As far as I can say it is perfectly symmetrical, which is not an easy thing for a corsetier to make. Moreover my new corset is very long. At the front it reaches almost the pubic bone so that my belly is perfectly prevented from swelling below the lower edge of the corset. A spoon busk and two additional steels at the front form a beautifully flat belly. Now I'm able to wear tight-fitting trousers without any problem. I can do this with my rubber corset, too, but this new one is much more comfortable to wear. The upper region of the corset includes the bust, a fact that enables me to wear dresses with a low neck because the corset is an excellent bra substitute. The great advantage of this bra substitute is that there are no shoulder straps and that the corset actually forms my bust better than most of my bras.

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