Contents | Previous: Rule #7: A lady with a tight waist must | Up: Adviser | Next: What is a corset?
You are here: Contents > Adviser > Corsets today - an adviser
Corsets today - an adviser
This adviser is based on the experiences of Sylphide. The translation from German to English was done by Sylphide.Dear ladies,
which associations do you have when you hear the word 'corset'? Maybe fainting, discomfort, agony, etc.? Unfortunately this is the case with many people. The following compilation of questions and answers is to do away with the corset's negative reputation, to list its positive effects and to inform you about the practical use of corsets today, in our time. After having read this leaflet you should associate corsets with elegance, grace and attractivity.
- What is a corset?
- Why should women wear corsets?
- Who can wear a corset?
- How tight should I lace a corset?
- How do I lace my corset correctly?
- What features must a corset have?
- What clothes go well with a corset?
- On which occasions can I wear a corset?
- Which problems could arouse from corset-wearing?
- Where can I buy a corset?

Contents | Previous: Rule #7: A lady with a tight waist must | Up: Adviser | Next: What is a corset?
You are here: Contents > Adviser > Corsets today - an adviser