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Old News of LGM
This information is only given for historical reasons and is from about 1995 and far outdated now. So you can see a bit of the background of LGM.Several months ago my boyfriend and I met Rudi van Ginkel and Michael Ploschke (He's a corset friend and professional management consultant; he lives at Lake Constance). The reason for our meeting was that Rudi van Ginkel has decided to relinquish LGM to younger persons, as he feels that his vigour and energy have lessened by the time. He also thinks that it is necessary to organize LGM. So far he was the center of LGM, he corresponded with people and organized the annual LGM-Bal des Gracieuses. But you can't say that LGM was an association or a club or something like that; it was just LGM. Now Rudi says that LGM means too much work for him alone; it seems as if there was growing demand for corsets and more and more work to do. So he asked Michael Ploschke, my boyfriend and me if we wanted to take over the LGM-leadership from him. We agreed to his inquiry. At a first meeting we decided to make LGM a club. As such we need members. In order to recruit members we will publish an information leaflet where we give detailed information about our goals for the future. According to Rudi's idea we'll work on an international basis. In this context we asked Pandora Gorey to cooperate with us. She would then be responsible for LGM England. She agreed to this suggestion. And perhaps we'll find other people in other countries who are willing to establish LGM in their home country. We in Germany plan to publish a journal or magazine for members. The first (German) edition has already appeared. This will contain current information, photos, reader's letters, tips, know-how, accounts, free advertisements for members, and other news about corsets. All this is to happen on an international level (we plan to publish it in English and German); we also plan to organize regional meetings for corset friends and possibly an annual or bi-annual LGM ball.
Rudi of course hasn't totally retired. He promised us his support for the first months (or years?) both as an advisor and financially. But he wants to draw back gradually within the next years.

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