Contents | Previous: 9. Do any of your customers wear corsets | Up: Factual Inquiry into Tight Corset Wearing | Next: Waist Size and Marriageable Age
You are here: Contents > Stories > Waist measurements > Factual Inquiry into Tight Corset Wearing (1890s) > 10. At what age (if a very slender figure is desired) should corset wearing be commenced?
10. At what age (if a very slender figure is desired) should corset wearing be commenced?
Corsetière A: ''At fourteen to sixteen; not before in my opinion. And then tighter lacing should only be very carefully encouraged, and very gradually carried out.'' Corsetière B: ''Twelve or thirteen years of age is quite early enough to begin, but many girls of ten or eleven are now-a-days laced up if a very slim waist is wished.''
The conclusions I have arrived at by means of this special inquiry are:
- that tight-lacing is decidedly on the increase, and that a revival of a rigorous nature is likely to recur;
- that women, many of them, will ''lace'', in spite of all warnings of dress reformers and medical men;
- that the ultra-fashionable and the upper middle class are not given to the practice of waist compression; and
- that the borderland of Kensington and Maida Vale [where courtesans lived] can show some of the smallest waists on record.

Contents | Previous: 9. Do any of your customers wear corsets | Up: Factual Inquiry into Tight Corset Wearing | Next: Waist Size and Marriageable Age
You are here: Contents > Stories > Waist measurements > Factual Inquiry into Tight Corset Wearing (1890s) > 10. At what age (if a very slender figure is desired) should corset wearing be commenced?