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Visit to the USA
I guess that, concerning our trip to the USA, you are most interested in our ''corset adventures''. Well, there were some funny and even sometimes most interesting incidents that happened thanks to my small waist.The first that is coming to my mind now is what happened in Las Vegas on the Strip. It was late in the afternoon when we arrived at our campground in the heart of Las Vegas, close to the Strip (the street where all the casinos and tourists are). In the evening and on the following day we walked along the Strip and looked at all the Casinos with their attractions. (Of course we tried our luck. Playing roulette we won $25! But this one roulette session was so exciting that we had enough with it!) I was wearing the same clothes as in the CNL # 71, the black crinkle skirt and a yellow T-shirt with an elastic belt. So the smallness of my 17'' waist was quite evident. Given the fact that the casinos try to attract attention with expensive, labour-intensive and lavish methods I can say that I have a quite simple and cheap, but highly effective method to come to the same end. People just stared in astonishment at me and wondered about my figure. I wonder what would happen if the waitresses of a casino all wore corsets? I guess there'd be many more people in that casino than in the others.
On another day we walked along Venice Beach in Los Angeles. There was a young man announcing a yard sale of Levis Jeans. We went there to see what it was. There were loads of used Levis Jeans and we were absolutely delighted. I went to the shop assistant and asked him about my size. He glanced at my figure and said involuntary: ''Oh, my God! What a tiny waist!'' It was most interesting to look at his face before and while he said that. At first the expression in his face was friendly, when he saw my waist he looked astonished, then he looked into my eyes and I could read from his face that he just couldn't believe it. It rarely happens that I can read so clearly from a person's face what he or she is thinking just then.
In San Francisco we tried the following thing: I walked along a very crowded street and my boyfriend walked at some distance behind me. He observed the people's reactions and told me about them afterwards. He said that almost all men had turned round to look at me from behind and that many of them had pointed to me saying something to their wives. Many of them were German tourists, and from one of them he heard: ''Oh my God, it's Scarlett O'Hara incarnate!'' This was a funny and interesting game which we should repeat at one time or another.
Of course there were days when I put the corset off for various reasons. On the plane from Germany to the US and back I didn't wear it for security reasons and because I didn't want the metal detector at the check-in point to beep when I would pass it. Another occasion on which I didn't wear it was our Grand-Canyon-hike. We walked all the way down and all the way up in one day. All in all we covered 30km / 19 miles and had to cope with an altitude difference of 1,6km / 1 mile (one way, but we did it down and up). We faced different climates such as heavy wind and rain (even a thunderstorm) at the rim of the Canyon and very high temperatures at its bottom. Thinking about this task I thought I would be well advised to put the corset off. It turned out to be a very strenuous, but a great day. But I must also say that I was stiff for several days after this hike.
The event you are probably most interested in is our visit to Ruth and Lewis, who are responsible for the CNL. It was the first time that we went to see some corset-related persons. Therefore we were a bit excited. But as they are very friendly and nice we enjoyed our time with them and talked about several subjects. Ruth showed us her corset factory which, in fact, consists of one single sewing machine. She showed us some two or three of her works, as well. They look beautiful, but they seem not to be very firm or resistant.Well, I then showed them two different dresses of mine (which they wrote about in the CNL). That was all.

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