Contents | Previous: Rule #2: Be moderate in eating. | Up: A chapter about a good figure. From the | Next: Rule #4: Don't put off your corset when
You are here: Contents > Adviser > A chapter about a good figure. From the 'Brevier der Dame' (1890) > Rule #3: Put on your corset before eating breakfast.
Rule #3: Put on your corset before eating breakfast.
Many ladies make the mistake that they put on their corset short before midday, when they prepare to go out. Looking at today's fashion with its very slim waist, it is almost essential that every lady puts on her corset directly after finishing her morning toilette, no matter if she plans to go out or receive guests. Only with an empty stomach is it possible to lace the corset down to an ideal waist measurement without causing damage to vitally important and very sensitive organs. So lacing after breakfast not only requires more force, but possibly also causes health problems. Under no circumstances should a lady come to dinner or to another meal without her corset; on the one hand this would be against the etiquette and on the other hand does the corset make it easy for her to know the right time to stop eating. I don't think it is necessary to mention this here, but never put on a corset when your stomach is full.

Contents | Previous: Rule #2: Be moderate in eating. | Up: A chapter about a good figure. From the | Next: Rule #4: Don't put off your corset when
You are here: Contents > Adviser > A chapter about a good figure. From the 'Brevier der Dame' (1890) > Rule #3: Put on your corset before eating breakfast.