Contents | Previous: 7. What in your opinion are the essentials | Up: Factual Inquiry into Tight Corset Wearing | Next: 9. Do any of your customers wear corsets
You are here: Contents > Stories > Waist measurements > Factual Inquiry into Tight Corset Wearing (1890s) > 8. Do you know of any schools at which tight-lacing is encouraged, enforced, or much practised? Please give fullest details possible.
8. Do you know of any schools at which tight-lacing is encouraged, enforced, or much practised? Please give fullest details possible.
Seven corsetières knew of fashionable schools where tight-lacing was either enforced or encouraged. Five had made many pairs of corsets for girls of sixteen and under (mostly residents at these schools) with waist measurements of 15 inches. According to corsetière A: ''I know of one or two such schools, but am not allowed to mention their names. The system of tight-lacing carried on there is very rigorous. I might almost say - cruel.'' Corsetière B: ''Yes, I know of two or three schools where tight-lacing is enforced; all of which, however, are abroad.''

Contents | Previous: 7. What in your opinion are the essentials | Up: Factual Inquiry into Tight Corset Wearing | Next: 9. Do any of your customers wear corsets
You are here: Contents > Stories > Waist measurements > Factual Inquiry into Tight Corset Wearing (1890s) > 8. Do you know of any schools at which tight-lacing is encouraged, enforced, or much practised? Please give fullest details possible.