Contents | Previous: 3. What is the smallest waisted corset you | Up: Factual Inquiry into Tight Corset Wearing | Next: 5. Do any of your clientèle wear special,
You are here: Contents > Stories > Waist measurements > Factual Inquiry into Tight Corset Wearing (1890s) > 4. Are corsets worn by younger girls more than formerly? and at what age are real corsets commenced?
4. Are corsets worn by younger girls more than formerly? and at what age are real corsets commenced?
More than 80 percent of the authorities consulted were of the opinion that girls are put into real corsets earlier than formerly, with the object of ensuring a slender waist. Corsetière B: ''Real corsets are now frequently worn by girls of thirteen or fourteen, and I have always advised their adoption from about that age.''

Contents | Previous: 3. What is the smallest waisted corset you | Up: Factual Inquiry into Tight Corset Wearing | Next: 5. Do any of your clientèle wear special,
You are here: Contents > Stories > Waist measurements > Factual Inquiry into Tight Corset Wearing (1890s) > 4. Are corsets worn by younger girls more than formerly? and at what age are real corsets commenced?