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You are here: Contents > Adviser > A chapter about a good figure. From the 'Brevier der Dame' (1890)
A chapter about a good figure. From the 'Brevier der Dame' (1890)
Edited in the last century, at the beginning of the 90s Every lady wishes to have a slim waist and a great bosom. Every lady who attaches importance to her own elegance - and which lady does not? - will do anything to get her waist as small as fashion prescribes it. There are different methods to obtain a slim waist and a well-formed bosom. But there's not one lady who gives away her secrets. That is why we believe to fulfill the secret wishes of many ladies by publishing the following 'Seven golden rules for a good figure', made up by a very experienced corsetière who knows about the most frequent problems of corset-wearers and who advises them here and now:- Rule #1: Have your corsets all made by an experienced corsetier.
- Rule #2: Be moderate in eating.
- Rule #3: Put on your corset before eating breakfast.
- Rule #4: Don't put off your corset when wearing a negligée.
- Rule #5: Always have yourself laced in by others.
- Rule #6: During the lacing you should be entirely relaxed.
- Rule #7: A lady with a tight waist must take time to have herself laced.

Contents | Previous: Adviser | Up: Adviser | Next: Rule #1: Have your corsets all made by an
You are here: Contents > Adviser > A chapter about a good figure. From the 'Brevier der Dame' (1890)