Contents | Previous: 4. Are corsets worn by younger girls more | Up: Factual Inquiry into Tight Corset Wearing | Next: 6. Do you think (a) moderate lacing is injurious;
You are here: Contents > Stories > Waist measurements > Factual Inquiry into Tight Corset Wearing (1890s) > 5. Do any of your clientèle wear special, or specially arranged underclothing, so as to enable them to lace tightly with less discomfort?
5. Do any of your clientèle wear special, or specially arranged underclothing, so as to enable them to lace tightly with less discomfort?
Nearly 70 percent declared that many of their customers who practised extreme tight-lacing wore a minimum of underclothing - ''quite insufficient'' several wrote - or especially arranged garments. One well-known West End corsetière wrote ''Five or six of my tightest-lacing customers wear what, if they were a little thinner, would be nothing more nor less than actresses' 'tights'.'' Corsetière A wrote ''The majority of my customers wear woven, tight-fitting clothing to do away with the fullness of the old-fashioned underclothing, which I consider better and more comfortable, and certainly it enables them to lace more tightly.'' Corsetière B wrote: ''The woven silk or wool combination now so much worn, skin-tight at the waist, is very popular with my customers, and is most comfortable underwear. It would never do for a lady who wishes to lace very tightly to wear the old-fashioned separate and cumbersome garments.''

Contents | Previous: 4. Are corsets worn by younger girls more | Up: Factual Inquiry into Tight Corset Wearing | Next: 6. Do you think (a) moderate lacing is injurious;
You are here: Contents > Stories > Waist measurements > Factual Inquiry into Tight Corset Wearing (1890s) > 5. Do any of your clientèle wear special, or specially arranged underclothing, so as to enable them to lace tightly with less discomfort?