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You are here: Contents > FAQ > How did you first get interested in corsets?
How did you first get interested in corsets?
I first got interested in corsets through my boy-friend. He made it possible for me to wear corsets by finding out addresses from corsetiers. I had seen the film ''Gone with the Wind'' with Scarlett O'Hara laced in firmly and I was fascinated by it, but I never would have thought of being laced myself one day. But now I am and I like it. So does my boy-friend. At the time when we still had no addresses from corsetiers we tied other things (more or less wide belts under and over the clothes) round my waist, but none of these solutions was satisfying because the belly wasn't compressed, the belts pressed the inner organs into it and because the belts caused damage to my skin.I started at the age of 23, as you already know. My boyfriend had noticed that I had a naturally small waist. He liked that and often dreamed how it was if it was even smaller. I also liked the idea. So we tried out how to smallen the waist aesthetically. We took girdles of different materials. I'll tell you about one example: My boyfriend made one of leather with eyes and laces. We put that on under the clothes, i.e. under a wide skirt and blouse with a stretch belt under it. So the waist was extraordinary small. But this method had a decisive disadvantage: The organs were pressed out under the leather belt so that I looked ugly looked at from the side. Sometimes when the leather belt was all closed (49 cm) you could almost put a cup on my belly! I didn't like that! Nor did my boy-friend! So we had to solve the problem in another way. Some day my boy-friend asked me if I would be willing to try on a corset. The idea was new to me, but I agreed to do so. He was glad and said that he would get one for me to try. It took him several weeks to find out a contact address where he could get corsetier addresses from. But at least he had made a contact and we ordered a corset from Voller's. It was supposed to have a waistline of 18 inches, but the one I received had many more inches. I must say that I could close it at once and that in didn't restrict me at all. We were all disappointed. Later we altered the waistline and some other features of the corset, so that it fitted much better and made the waist smaller. From that we learned a lot about how to order a corset. We concluded that it is much better to order a made-to-measure corset. And we picked out many features that are especially important and that have to be mentioned when ordering a corset. Of course we also told the corsetier some things that are absolutely to be avoided when making a corset. Well, that is how I started corseting.

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You are here: Contents > FAQ > How did you first get interested in corsets?