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You are here: Contents > FAQ > What kind of clothes do you wear? How do you dress?
What kind of clothes do you wear? How do you dress?
I wear normal clothes, that's to say trousers (mostly jeans), T-shirts, skirts and dresses. I try to look like any other woman. Of course I have to alter new clothes. I have to adapt the waistline to my - smaller - size. I order most of my clothes from catalogs. The only thing that makes my appearance different from that of other women is that my waistline is about 20cm (8 inches) smaller than theirs. But this - rather small difference has a great effect. People are startled and astonished when they see me and they look - or should I better say stare - curiously at my waist.

Contents | Previous: When do you remove the corset and at what | Up: FAQ | Next: Do you enjoy wearing corsets in the public?
You are here: Contents > FAQ > What kind of clothes do you wear? How do you dress?