Contents | Previous: Legal validity of this disclaimer | Up: Imprint | Next: Further remarks
You are here: Contents > Imprint > Disclaimer
I have compiled the advice and instructions contained in this site to the best of my knowledge in the hope that they will help to make corsets more popular and accepted by a wider public. However, despite careful preparation of the site, errors cannot be completely ruled out. Consequently, I do not assume any responsibility or liability arising in any way from the use of the information contained in this site or any part thereof.
We are not liable for any damage to health caused by the correct or incorrect use of our information. Each person must either check or assess his or her own health suitability or have himself or herself examined by a physician in this regard before using our information.
The reproduction of common names, trade names, product names and the like in this site does not justify the assumption that such names may be used by anyone without further ado. Rather, they are often legally protected, registered trademarks, even if they are not specifically marked as such.
I thank you for your understanding and hope to be able to continue to offer you a good service.

Contents | Previous: Legal validity of this disclaimer | Up: Imprint | Next: Further remarks
You are here: Contents > Imprint > Disclaimer