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You are here: Contents > Experiences > What I don't want!
What I don't want!
I don't want to establish a new world record for the smallest waist. A well fitting corset should be very tight, but the amount of waist reduction should not be so high that the proportions would be infringed. This is, of course, a matter of taste, but I think there are some general aesthetic principles which should be adhered to. I do like the early pictures of Ethel Granger, Cathie Jung oder Spook very much. Unfortunately by aiming at extreme waistlines they lost much of their aesthetics (in my opinion).Just as well I would not like to attack or judge anyone who has different viewpoints. Corsets are often presented in conjunction with Leather-S/M-Fetish stuff. This is totally o.k., but I think this will not promote the usage of corsets in the public as a functional and accepted (yet erotic) piece of clothing.

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