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You are here: Contents > Experiences
These are the experiences and viewpoints of SylphideMy name is Sylphide and I'm a very normal young woman. One of my preferences is maybe somewhat extraordinary: I wear corsets. In the following I would like to describe how I started with this and what experiences I made wearing a corset.
- What are my aims?
- What I don't want!
- Why I wear corsets
- Kurt Ingerl and the plaster cast
- Mole
- Visit to the USA
- My New Corset
- Pipestem Waist
- Men and corsets
- Corset acceptance and viewpoint
- Girl Next Door-Look
- Medical aspects
- Our plan to make the corset more popular
- Reaction of people when they see my waist
- The measurements I started out with were as follows:
- Old News of LGM

Contents | Previous: Suppliers | Up: Contents | Next: What are my aims?
You are here: Contents > Experiences