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You are here: Contents > Practice > How can I get a corset? > Suppliers
In this section I will list some verified suppliers. Verified means that I myself or other persons have ordered or tried out corsets from these sources. If you have corsets made by other manufacturers and if you can recommend them, or if your experiences with the manufacturers listed here are different, send me a short message (infocorsets.de) and tell me so, I will then think about whether I will publish it on my website. Personal experiences are far more trustworthy than the most beautiful high polish folder!-
True Grace Corsets,
M. P. Garrod, P.O. Box 3003, Wokingham, Berks RG41 1YN,
England, e-mail:
This was a small factory (one person, in fact), but the best I know. Mr. Garrod was very cooperative and produces top quality. Very sadly, he died recently. The following was written some time ago and shall be left here to document his very good work. There is a catalogue with black/white and colour photos. The catalogue displays True Grace's different styles, which can be modified depending on individual needs. Made to measure is the only service he offers (no stock corsets). Mr. Garrod fulfils almost all, even the most eccentric wishes. Due to the fact that Mr. Garrod is a ''one-man-factory'', there may be delivery times of several weeks, but Mr. Garrod's products are worth waiting for! All my corsets (except for the first one) were made by him. - Axfords,
82 Centurion Road,
Sussex BN1 3LN,
Tel.: +44-1273-327944,
FAX: +44-1273-220680
A traditional larger enterprise, they have manufactured corsets for more than 100 years now. An extensive colour catalogue is available, in which very different corset styles are displayed. I ordered my first corset at Axfords. The corsets are ready-made; and the sizes are graded in steps of 5 cm, which is relatively rough. The corset measurements thus cannot be very exact and are suitable for loose lacing rather than for tight lacing. In Germany there are a number of importers who offer corsets of this company - it is worth while to compare the prices. - Vollers,
112 Kingston Road,
North End,
Portsmouth PO2 7PB,
Tel.: +44-1705-660740,
FAX: +44-1705-652070
Traditional larger enterprise. A beautiful colour catalogue with atmospheric photos is available. They sell measure-made and ready-made corsets. Ready- made corsets are low-priced, but don't expect too much in what concerns their fit. Measure-made corsets are rather expensive, but available in various styles, colours and cuts. There are many styles, colours and cuts. In Germany there are a number of importers who offer corsets of this company - it is worth while to compare the prices.

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