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You are here: Contents > Stories > How I acquired and maintained a 14 inch waist (1940)
How I acquired and maintained a 14 inch waist (1940)
Summary of a polytyped booklet available to the customers of Mrs. Cayne, a corsetière who placed advertisements in the Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News etc. 1933-1940. She does not give her age, but appears to have been born in the late 19th century. David Kunzle: ''Fashion and Fetishism''There is nothing injurious to the health in tight-lacing; my own health has benefited from the practice. What is injurious is the attempt to reduce rapidly; time and patience is of the essence.
At the age of twelve I was introduced to a family of tight-lacers and wore my first tight-lacing corset, with a waist of 18 inches, to a fancy-dress ball. At first I felt I was in the grip of a vice, but at the end I was sorry to have to take it off. During my teens I wore my waist permanently at 20 inches, but often suffered from backache. High heels alleviated the problem, and eliminated certain twinges of pain from the thighs and hip-bones. Many years of experience have taught me that high heel wearing is essential to any tight-lacing program.
Then I met a man who confessed himself particularly attracted by my slender waist and small, high-perched feet. He encouraged me to reduce further. I always tightened one inch between morning and afternoon, and after six months was down to 18 in the morning and 17 in the afternoon. My backaches were gone, I loved the compression and experienced a sense of well-being as never before. I could not sleep unless tight-laced. I bathed in rubber corsets. Within a few more months I was comfortable at 15 inches, and I never walked except on very high heeled shoes and boots. I well remember being driven in a car to Salisbury. We toured the Cathedral, I in my 15 inch corset and 5 inch heels. Within a year of my marriage I could manage 14 inches in the afternoons, after sleeping in short 15 inch corsets with a steel bolt to flatten the waist at the sides. 13 inches was my absolute limit, which I could bear for an evening at most - the theatre of a dinner - and I was only too glad to resume 14 inches. Posture is all important, and perfect balance on high heels helps to prevent body pains. Above all, it is the undying attentions of a husband which have sustained me in the practice of tight-lacing, and made it seem relatively easy.

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You are here: Contents > Stories > How I acquired and maintained a 14 inch waist (1940)